Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Lord Watches Over Us

Image credit: NASA

A long time ago, someone told me that if I look at a crescent moon, it looks like God's thumbnail....What a beautiful thought, don't you think?

I hope that you will see God's hand in everything you do today and know that He is with you. A simple prayer of "Lord, please watch over me and mine" could be powerful and make all the difference in your day.



  1. That is a lovely thought Cindy. I know He is making great changes in my life. Have a wonderful day!!! XOXO

  2. The Lord certainly watched over me and mine today Cindy. It's bitterly cold here and I dressed Freddie nice and warm for his first outing to the funeral of his sister Everything went off well, a lovely service of Thanksgiving for Edna's life and Freddie saw all his relatives and I had plenty of help for him.
    Safely home and thanking the Lord for his care of us.
    Much love,
    June xxx

  3. The Lord does always watch over us. Thank goodness he does.

  4. How grateful I am to know that He has liberally given us everything we need for life and godliness. I will look up and remember. Blessings.

  5. So Beautiful! That's the first time I've heard that description of a crescent moon! I love it! I told my sons and their girlfriends about it, they all thought it was so beautiful too! Have A Great Night!

  6. A lovely thought, Cindy! I'll think of that whenever I see a crescent moon...

  7. oh my goodness! this is so wonderful and moving Cindy!!!
    thank you!
