Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July Message

Guest Artist: Jennifer

As so many people are enjoying backyard barbecues, family time, and fireworks today, I thought this was a wonderful time to share this Bible verse that Jennifer put into a piece of chalkboard art for her home. (If you remember, it is Jennifer who made the “Be Still and Know that I am God” chalkboard piece that Cheryl was so kind to share with us.)

“Taste and see that the Lord is good” from Psalm 34:8 is a favorite verse of mine. With it certainly comes the reminder of how life must seem when someone does not have the joy in their hearts that only comes from Him. I love the idea that Jennifer has this in her kitchen so that she is reminded of it daily.

This piece serves as an inspiration to all of us to recognize that our good comes from above. Every blessing flows from on high. Indeed, the Lord is wonderful!

Thank you Jennifer for lending your God-given talents to this blog. Thank you for sharing such an important message with us--one that we can all remember as we go about a day that is synonymous with hamburgers, hot dogs, and watermelon. In
the midst of family time, it is a beautiful verse to keep in our minds and hearts!


  1. Yes, and I wanted to put you two next to each other!

  2. Thank you! What a sweet post! Have a happy and safe 4th of July!

  3. No, thank YOU for sharing this wonderful picture and being such an inspiration!
